St. Peter's Vestry
What is the Vestry?
The Vestry is the elected leadership body of the parish, responsible for overseeing the business affairs of the church, including finances, property management, and supporting the clergy in spiritual leadership. Vestry members work in partnership with the Rector to ensure that the church fulfills its mission.
The presiding officer of the vestry is the Rector, Kelly Steele.
The By Laws of St. Peter's may be found here.
​Click the photo to read a member's bio.​
Vestry Nomination
What is the Vestry?
The Vestry is the elected leadership body of the parish, responsible for overseeing the business affairs of the church, including finances, property management, and supporting the clergy in spiritual leadership. Vestry members work in partnership with the Rector to ensure that the church fulfills its mission.
Qualifications for Vestry Nominees
According to the Canons of The Episcopal Church, the following criteria must be met by those nominated to serve on the Vestry:
Confirmed Communicant in Good Standing: Nominees must be confirmed members of The Episcopal Church who are regular participants in the worship and life of St. Peter’s. They should have been a communicant for at least one year.
Regular in Worship Attendance: Vestry members should regularly attend Sunday services and participate in the sacramental life of the church.
Pledged Financial Support: Vestry members are expected to make and fulfill an annual financial pledge to the church, reflecting a personal commitment to the stewardship and ministry of the parish.
Demonstrated Involvement in Parish Life: Nominees should have a history of involvement in church ministries, activities, and committees. A strong sense of dedication to the mission and vision of St. Peter’s is essential.
Personal Commitment to Service: Nominees should exhibit leadership, responsibility, and a willingness to serve in this important capacity according to the Canon of the Episcopal Church. They should be willing to work collaboratively with the Rector, fellow Vestry members, and the congregation.​
Expectations for Vestry Service
Term: Vestry members serve a three-year term, beginning after election at the Annual Parish Meeting in late January.
Meetings: The Vestry meets monthly to conduct church business, with occasional additional meetings as needed, right now, most fourth Thursdays of the month at 4:30 – 6:30 PM.
Committee Participation: Vestry members will be asked to act as liaisons to various ministries within the church and may be asked to participate in subcommittees or taskforces (e.g. finance, stewardship, strategy, etc.).
Leadership: Vestry members are called to be spiritual leaders and representatives of the congregation, supporting the Rector in guiding the church toward its mission. In the absence of a priest, Vestry are the legal leaders of the church and have disciplinary powers.
Requirements: Safe Church training and background checks, according to Episcopal Church policies.
Nomination Process
To nominate someone (including yourself), please submit the name of the nominee along with a brief description of why you believe they would be a good candidate for Vestry service.
Please keep our church and those who will serve in your prayers during this time of discernment. If you have any questions about the Vestry or the nomination process, feel free to reach out to one of the Vestry Nominating Committee members, email the office for more information.