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You are Welcome at St. Peter's

Considering a visit?

We look forward to meeting you!


Below is some helpful information about Sundays at St. Peter's.

Please contact us if you have additional questions.

Be sure to check out our Calendar for events and other gatherings!


There are a few handicap and visitor parking spaces near the front (Red Door) entrance. Drive around the back of the building and our large parking lot has ample parking and handicapped parking. There are signs directing you to the church, nursery, offices, parish hall, etc.


Wear what you like! You'll see a wide range of attire from polo shirts to suits and dresses. Clergy, choir, and lay ministers wear vestments and robes.


Nursery and Little Church are available during the 10:15 service. We also have activity bags for children in the church. Ask an usher or greeter if you need help finding them. Little Church kids ages 5-12 begins in the church, processes into the chapel, and returns to their families during the Peace.

8 AM Service

This one hour service is contemplative and quiet. You'll enter quietly and find a seat. Worship booklets, which include instructions for receiving communion, are available near the entrances, and the offering basket is in the center aisle.

10:15 AM Service

This service includes music and a full complement of lay ministers (choir, greeters, ushers, acolytes) and clergy. You'll be greeted as you enter, welcomed by an usher who will give you a worship booklet. The ushers also help direct worshippers to the altar rail for communion. Worship booklets, which include instructions for receiving communion, are available near the entrances, and the offering basket is in the center aisle. Nursery and Children's Chapel are available during this service.

Coffee Hour

A reception, with coffee, tea and a sweet follows the 10:15 AM service. The 8 AM service has only coffee and tea available afterward. Join us an give us an opportunity to say "hello!"

Sunday Services

Sunday Services

8 AM - 9 AM | Spoken Sunday Eucharist (In Person)


10 AM - 11:30 AM | Nursery is available for ages 0-4


10:15 AM - 11:30 AM | Sung Sunday Eucharist (In Person & Streaming)

(Little Church during the 10:15 AM service)


11:30 AM | Coffee Hour and/or Forums


We welcome visitors to all services.


Streaming & Sermons

The Covid-19 pandemic was a challenge for in-person gatherings as we tried to protect ourselves and our neighbors. As a result of this need and through the generosity of our congregation, we built a studio-quality streaming setup for our 10:15 AM (and other) services. We stream live, and the full services are always available to watch after the live-stream. Check out our YouTube Channel by clicking the button below.

Video Camera


Our Nursery for infants - age 4 is available on Sundays from 10:00 - 11:30 AM. We always have two adults in the Nursery who have been background checked and have been certified through the Safe Church, Safe Communities course. Here are our full Nursery Guidelines.


Activity bags for children may always be found near the doors of the church. Older children may go to Children's Chapel during the 10:15 AM service (read more below).


For more information, call 912.598.7242 or email Betsey.

Children's Chapel

Little Church

Little Church is held during the 10:15 AM service. Kids ages 5-12 begin in the church, process out to the Chapel, and return to join their families during the Peace. We always have two adults in the classroom who have been background checked and have been certified through the Safe Church, Safe Communities course.


During Little Church, kids will hear stories, learn, sing, play games, do crafts, and more.


Activity bags for children may always be found near the doors of the church.


For more information, call 912.598.7242 or email Susanne.

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Your privacy is important to us; please review our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Office Hours


10 AM - 2 PM

Monday - Thursday

or by appointment


Closed Fridays & Federal Holidays


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St. Peter's Episcopal Church

3 West Ridge Road

Savannah, GA 31411

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