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Writer's pictureSusanne O'Day

VBS 2024 - Day 4

Today we learned that Compassion Sees the Big Picture! Seeing the big picture means we are able to see beyond our own context. We can see ourselves as part of a

family, a worshiping community, a neighborhood, and also as part of the larger world, a world full of different cultures and languages of which our own is one.

By engaging the story in Acts 2, we reflected on the mystery of Pentecost and having compassion for all creation, including people and places we do not yet

know. Pentecost reminds us that this world is vast, and that there are people out there we may never meet and places we may never see. Can we have compassion for all people and all of creation, even if we do not

see or know them? Yes, we can!

We practiced our Lovingkindness chant:

I see your hurt.

I feel your hurt.

I help ease your hurt.

and added a round with "I hear your hurt" since we were talking about languages and voices.

We learned All of Us and sang The Lovingkindness Song again today!

Lovingkindness Practice:

We pay purposeful attention to what it feels like to experience lovingkindness and to share it.

Focus on what we hope for ourselves. Say these phrases and feel the powerful feelings of lovingkindness for yourself without any judgement.

May I be happy.

May I be healthy.

May I be safe.

May I be at peace.

repeat 3 times

Next, think about all living beings in the world. Include pets, animals, and people you've never met. Imagine them in your mind and say these phrases to them.

May you be happy.

May you be healthy.

May you be safe.

May you be at peace.

repeat 3 times

End by saying: May you and I be happy. May you and I be healthy. May you and I be safe. May you and I be at peace.


What feelings did you notice as you practiced lovingkindness ?

Was it easy or difficult to practice lovingkindness?

What was easy about it? What was hard about it?

Children’s Picture Book Recommendations

  • What Happened to You? James Catchpole

  • Our Skin: A First Conversation about Race, Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli

  • Skin Again, bell hooks

  • When God Gave Us Words, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

  • The Story of AND: The Little Word That Changed the World, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso with a song by Carrie Newcomer:

Yes, We Can!

The “Yes, we can!” (“¡Sí se puede!”) mentioned in the objective was also the resistance shout used by Dolores Huerta and César Chávez as they led the National Farmworkers Association in their famous 1965 California grapes farmworkers’ strike. The phrase has been adopted by civil rights organizations and unions worldwide. Consider doing additional research about this phrase.

For Youth

Seeing the Big Picture: Share the video Change the World.

This video shows a young person becoming aware of the limitations in their community and making changes to the system. Talking about bias and systemic oppression can be intimidating, but these conversations can also empower your teenager(s) to enact the changes that will create a more just society. Practicing compassion involves seeing the big picture of who is experiencing hurt and finding ways to enact change that helps others thrive.


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