General Gifts
2025 Pledge
Online Giving
Click here or use the form above to make a donation or pay all or part of your pledge using a credit/debit card or an e-check.
Making a Pledge
As you consider your financial support for St. Peter's, please ask yourself:
+ How do my pledges reflect gratitude for abundance that I experience at St. Peter's and in my daily life?
+ How do my pledges to St. Peter's reflect the relationship I would hope to have with money
+ Of all the gifts I have received–my income and the wealth God has granted me–what proportion will I give to support God’s Kingdom here at St. Peter's?
+ How will fulfilling these pledges be a part of my spiritual practice over the next few years
+ Does my decision about pledging make me joyful?
Login here to pledge online/manage your pledge.
Giving to St. Peter's via Stock Transfer
If you are giving to St. Peter's via a stock transfer, please contact Regina Crofts in the finance office, at 912.598.7242 or rcrofts@saintpeterssav.org. She will need the name of the stock, the amount of the stock and the expected date of transfer. This information is helpful in getting the funds released to us. Also, if you would like to give stocks and need the information regarding our brokerage account, let Regina know and she will get the information to you.