Epworth Youth Choir Concert
​The concert program, offered as part of the Choir's 2025 concert tour, is entitled "How Can I Keep From Singing" and includes music by Gywneth Walker, selections from John Leavitt's Missa Festiva, and various choral anthems and spirituals by well known composers such as Craig Courtney, Mark Miller, Joel Raney, Pepper Choplin, Ken Medema, Irene Martin, Gilbert Martin and others. The Epworth Ringers will also ring on this program. More info about the Choir can be found HERE. The concert is free and open to the public.
March 26 at 7 PM

Lent Service Projects
As mentioned above, Lent is the season of the church year before Eastertide. You may know about "giving up" things like sweets or meat during these 40 days. We'd also like to encourage the "putting on" of prayer and service by offering expanded for both during Lent.
SERVICE: Sign up to serve once a week or once or twice during Lent by emailing David (link below).

March 5 - April 19 • Contact David

Midweek Meals
St. Peter's Midweek Meals are Wednesdays at 5:15 PM catered by Barnes Restaurant. There will be five Wednesday meals in Lent: March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9. Subscriptions for the full series are offered for $60 per person (a $15 savings). Cost per meal without a subscription is $15. Child/Family subscriptions are available upon request. Please call or email the office with questions.